FAQ about Subscription

What will show on my credit card statement?

- Gatesolution.io will show on your credit card statements.

How to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription in your Account settings in membership tab

What the payment method do you supports?

Credit/debit card Crypto payments with any coins

What is the Token System?

Our token system is a flexible way for users to access services and features. You can now use tokens to purchase or renew subscriptions and access a variety of features previously exclusive to paid subscriptions.

How can I use my tokens?

Tokens can be used to buy or renew your subscription and to access different features. This gives you the freedom to choose what you want to pay for.

What happens to my current subscription under the new system?

Your current subscription remains unchanged. However, when it's time for renewal or if you decide to make a new purchase, only our Gold tier will be available, offering a broader range of benefits. Find out more about our subscriptions here: LINK

Has the Silver status been removed?

Yes, we have phased out the Silver status to focus on providing a more accessible and feature-rich Gold tier.

Can free users access premium features with tokens?

Absolutely! Free users are not left out in our new system. They can use tokens to access many features that were previously available only to paid subscribers. (Soon!)

Do unused tokens roll over to the next month?

Yes, any unused tokens will roll over to the next month, ensuring you get the full value from your subscription.

Can I purchase additional tokens if I run out?

Yes, you can purchase additional tokens at any time, giving you continuous access to our services without interruption.

Where can I get more information or assistance?

For more information or assistance, please contact us at support@pornx.ai or use the online chat on our website: https://pornx.ai/?help=true. We're always here to help and ensure you have the best experience with our services.

Last updated